Botanica Preserve
About the Project
Cotleur & Hearing, Inc. was retained by Northern Palm Beach County Improvement District to design and permit the wetland mitigation for the unavoidable impact to wetlands associated with the Botanica mixed-use development. Cotleur & Hearing’s plan preserved and created a large, contiguous mitigation area containing both uplands and wetlands. Historic wet prairies had become over grown with melaleuca and other exotic vegetation as a result of anthropogenic and hydrologic alterations.
Cotleur & Hearing worked closely with the project engineers to restore a natural timing, distribution and hydro period for the wetland system. Exotic vegetation was removed by way of manual and mechanical means. Micro topographic areas were created in order to introduce greater diversity of habitats. These areas were replanted with aquatic emergent and freshwater marsh vegetation. A 1,000 linear ft. boardwalk was introduced to provide access for residence to enjoy the beauty and wildlife associated with the wetland. Cotleur & Hearing introduced osprey and wood duck platforms as a means of encouraging additional wildlife activities.
- Client: Northern Palm Beach County – Improvement District
- Location: Jupiter, Florida
- Services: Wetland Mitigation Environmental Consulting, Wetland Mitigation Design, Environmental Monitoring and Construction Management
- Project Size: 454 Acres
- Completion Date: 2004 (Monitoring On-going)